DPS Jan/ 11/ 2002 SC2
Persistency Framework RTAGl
Chair : David Malonl
Mandate : Write the product specification for the PersistencyFramework for Physics Applications at LHC.
Construct a component breakdown for the management of all types ofLHC data,
Identify the responsibilities of Experiment Frameworks, existing products(such as ROOT) and as yet to be developed products.
Develop requirements/use cases to specify (at least) the metadata /navigation component(s)
Estimate resources (manpower) needed to prototype missingcomponents
Timescale - Initial report in 1 month, final report within 2 monthsl
Makeup - Reps from each experiment, IT/DB, ROOT + additionalmembers at chair’s discretion
Guidance –è
RTAG may decide to address all types of data, or may decide topostpone some topics for other RTAGS, once the components have been
identified. The RTAG should develop a detailed description at least for
the event data management. Issues of schema evolution, dictionary
construction/storage, object and data models should be addressed