DPS Jan/ 11/ 2002 SC2

Persistency Framework RTAG

l Chair : David Malon

l Mandate : Write the product specification for the Persistency

Framework for Physics Applications at LHC.

è Construct a component breakdown for the management of all types of

LHC data,

è Identify the responsibilities of Experiment Frameworks, existing products

(such as ROOT) and as yet to be developed products.

è Develop requirements/use cases to specify (at least) the metadata /

navigation component(s)

è Estimate resources (manpower) needed to prototype missing


l Timescale - Initial report in 1 month, final report within 2 months

l Makeup - Reps from each experiment, IT/DB, ROOT + additional

members at chair’s discretion

l Guidance –

è RTAG may decide to address all types of data, or may decide to

postpone some topics for other RTAGS, once the components have been

identified. The RTAG should develop a detailed description at least for

the event data management. Issues of schema evolution, dictionary

construction/storage, object and data models should be addressed